How to reduce stress this holiday season

December!! How are we in December already? We say it every year, that the year flies by and all sudden things are wrapping up and our event calendars are even busier.


2022 has been another wild ride, although the feelings of normality seem to be on the horizon. The world looks to be operating again, borders are open and for those of us in Australia we’re ready to get out and enjoy some well-deserved sunshine (after what feels like the longest winter, especially here in Canberra) with friends and family.


Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, the social calendar does increase in December. It’s hard to escape it. We’re ready to be social. Eating out and drinking increases. We’re having a great time until we’re starting to feel a little worse for wear. All our regular habits seem to go out the window and all that fun catches up to us.


    It’s not too late to find a little calm towards the end of the year and set yourself up for a better 2023. Here are my top tips to beating stress & overwhelm this festive season.

    Say No!

    Easier said than done right? Our calendars get full of events, many of which we say yes to out of obligation. Catching up with different friend groups, family, people from out of town visiting, and work events that get out of control. You have a team party, an area party, a whole company party. By the end of it you’re just feeling exhausted and by the time Christmas day actually arrives you’re running on empty.

    Look at your events and think about if you really need to attend. Will you be missed? Do you REALLY want to go? Or will you be better off staying at home & enjoying company of family, house mates, pets, by yourself?

    Could you combine some of the events? Do you have a few different events with friends that could easily be one?

    Take time for yourself


    Following on from the last point, taking time for yourself is so important for your wellbeing. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

    Block out time each week where you’re doing something you love, that brings you joy. Sitting on the couch, reading, being out in nature, exercising, cooking, or dancing. Whatever you love, make sure you’re doing it.

    Even 5mins with a cup of tea with no distractions could be all you need to re-set.

    Eat a balanced diet

    Between all the different parties, food choices tend to go out the window creating a snowball effect. It’ll be February and you’ll wonder where it all went wrong. Maintaining a balanced diet throughout the day with adequate protein and vegetables is an easy way to stay on track. Aim to:

    • Eat well throughout the day – protein at each meal to help fend off afternoon energy crashes.
    • Eat a small meal prior to events if you know your choices are limited
    • Make simple swaps – look for the better option when out, opting for minimally processed foods
    • If you’re brining a plate of food to an event, make it a plate you will enjoy. That way you’ll have something to eat. 

    If you overindulge, don’t beat yourself up. Make healthier choices the next day. We don’t need to be perfect, enjoy treats. Listen to your body.

    Keep up your water intake & limit alcohol 

    Alcohol is a diuretic; it will remove fluid from your body (hello increased urination!). Extra nights out drinking will be sure way to speed up dehydration, add in warm summer days and headaches and hangovers are on the horizon.

    Here are some simple tips to keep your water intake high and decrease your alcohol intake.

    If you drink alcohol and you know your intake will increase over summer can you look

    • Can you swap 1 alcoholic drink for a water or soda water?
    • Can you not drink at every event?
    • Drive your car so you’re only having 1-2 drinks?
    • Don’t let others re-fil your drink, this makes it easier to track what you’ve consumed.
    • Don’t feel pressured to drink.

    Keeping the basics of adequate water intake can be the link between feeling tired and fatigued to having a little more energy.



    Walking out in nature is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Moving your body daily is the perfect way to keep your energy in check and reduce stress.

    Regular exercise can decrease tension and boost mood – endorphins relaseased when exercising can improve your ability to sleep and reduce stress. 

    Grab a friend or family member and catch up whilst going for a walk – swap the café for a walk. Research shows that exercising with people can reduce stress levels further. A double win! 


    Have mindful moments in your day  

    For many this is a time to catch up with loved ones. Take the time to have mindful moments to appreciate this. Stop and take in the world around you, people enjoying time together, birds singing in the tree, the sun shinning overhead. Finding something bigger than you will help put things into perspective, giving you moments of awe.



    Making sure you stick to the basics of health will ensure you get through this festive season not feeling like you’ve gone three rounds in the boxing ring.

    I’d love to hear how you’re going to look after yourself and preserve your energy this festive season. You can email me here. If you need a little guidance on how to stay on track, or how to look after yourself you can book a call here or read my recent article here.



    Learn more about my upcoming program


    If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I’m running an 8-week program to help you get control of your stress through diet and lifestyle modifications. It will be a small group program where you can connect with others and be guided by me.

    If you’re interested, please sign up below.


    I'm an accredited Nutritionist based in Canberra, Australia.

    My purpose is to help women take control of their health, through realistic changes, education, and getting  them living their best life.


    Medical disclaimer 

    The information found on or any of its media platforms is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on these platforms are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult with your medical practitioner before making any changes to your current diet and lifestyle.

    © 2010 Melanie Lansdown Pty Ltd | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy


    I acknowledge the First Nation's people of Country throughout Australia, especially the traditional owners of the land on which I work and teach, the Ngunnawal people. I pay my respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. I am grateful for their continuing leadership in connection to Country for more than 60,000 years. I wish to acknowledge that this is land that has not been ceded and will always be their land. 

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    Stuck with what to cook? Click here to get a copy of my latest meal plan and grocery list.
