When people find out I’m a nutritionist the first question is usually, what diet is best? In general, my response will be the Mediterranean diet. It really is the gold standard and has the most research supporting it. This however, is always dependant on the individual and where they are at with their health.


We all know that good nutrition is important for health, but it is by no means the only thing needed for optimal health. There are many factors at play.


As a holistic nutritionist I look at the whole person, not just their diet. There are many outside influences at play when we are talking about health. I do not make nutritional suggestions based off the ‘best diet’ because there is no one best diet. Everything is dependent on the person in front of me.


I therefore look at the whole person, where their current health is at, signs & symptoms, their diet and outside influences like:


  • Their medical history
  • Their job
  • Home life
  • What they do for fun or most importantly what they’re not doing for fun (the fun things are always the first to go when stressed and busy)
  • What stresses they have going on (see above)

Once I have the whole picture, I can make suggestions based off the individual. I will always work off the below 6 pillars to optimal health, something I implement into my daily life:

1. Good nutrition

In the simplest form, just eat real food! Fill your plate with vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, and wholegrains. These foods will promote good health and limit health complications. Limit processed food such as fried food, chips, simple sugars – cake, chocolate, biscuits, take-away. The best way to limit processed food is to cook from scratch as much as possible. Enjoy food with friends and family – approach nutrition with the 80/20 rule in mind – eat well 80% of the time – and you’ll be on the right track.


2. Water

Our bodies are approx. 60% water. Hydration helps transport nutrients, support digestion (goodbye constipation!), improves energy, promotes healthy skin, delivers oxygen to all parts of the body, lubricates joints, regulates body temperature, and protect organs & tissues. It is important to be drinking sufficient water each day, the recommendations are 8-10 cups depending on sex and more if physically active or living in hot climates.


3. Exercise / movement

We are designed to move! We are not meant to sit all day. Daily movement improves mental health, circulation, reduces stress, improves sleep and supports bone & heart health. Add movement into every day. Aim for 150 active minutes per week, if you’re starting out start small a 10min walk each day, and slowly increase. Movement can come in many forms; walking/hiking, riding, Pilates, yoga, weight training, swimming, being active with your kids, dancing. Find something you enjoy, and you’ll be able to stick to it long term.


4. Quality Sleep 

Sleep is one of the single most important aspects of good health, without sleep many health issues present themselves. Less than 20% of Australians sleep through the night uninterrupted! There is a host of benefits to getting a good night sleep, and the research is continuing to add to this. Whilst we sleep our cells & tissues regenerate and your immune system is supported. Quality sleep improves energy levels (goodbye needing that coffee to wake yourself up!), cognitive function & memory.


5. Mental Health 

Our mental health is important for good overall health. Mental health and physical health are closely connected, often physical symptoms will present when our mental health isn’t being looked after. It is important to prioritise self-care (in whatever form this takes for you – saying no to events, reading, being out in nature etc), reduce stress, improve self-talk, set boundaries, do things you enjoy, and most importantly seek help via a therapist/health professional.


6. Relationships & community 

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with’ 

Your relationships and community will influence your thoughts, beliefs, and choices. Make sure you surround yourself with people who lift you up and support you, these are the people that will be there when you need them. And more importantly, let go of unhealthy relationships – these will only work against you, adding unwanted stress and poor health.


As always, I never suggest aiming for perfection. It isn’t attainable. I want to set my clients up for wins, small sustainable changes = incredible results.


If you’d like to know more about how to incorporate more of this into your life, I have an 8-week program starting 8th January 2023, you can sign up to the wait-list to find out more here.


I'm an accredited Nutritionist based in Canberra, Australia.

My purpose is to help women take control of their health, through realistic changes, education, and getting  them living their best life.


Medical disclaimer 

The information found on melanielansdown.com.au or any of its media platforms is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on these platforms are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult with your medical practitioner before making any changes to your current diet and lifestyle.

© 2010 Melanie Lansdown Pty Ltd | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy


I acknowledge the First Nation's people of Country throughout Australia, especially the traditional owners of the land on which I work and teach, the Ngunnawal people. I pay my respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. I am grateful for their continuing leadership in connection to Country for more than 60,000 years. I wish to acknowledge that this is land that has not been ceded and will always be their land. 

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Stuck with what to cook? Click here to get a copy of my latest meal plan and grocery list.