Why Fad Diets Are Ineffective for

Sustainable Nutrition

Do you feel like you’ve tried all the diets out there and none of them work?

It is a blessing and a curse to have access to so much information online. We have everything we need at our fingertips however when it comes to health there is no one size fits all approach – we are all so uniquely different. What works for one, may not for another.


We are DIFFERENT! In the most glorious way.

We are not all meant to look the same! 

You turn on the TV or open your socials and are flooded with the latest hand picked health news or see every other person selling a diet that is promising your best body yet and usually in very unrealistic time frames. You jump from diet to diet, they work for a little bit, until they don’t, you try another and then you feel like a failure because you couldn’t stick to it.

It’s not your fault!


These diets are generally too hard to stick to in everyday life. And to be honest, really boring. It’s boring to listen to someone bang on about their latest diet or ‘bio hack’.


Cheers Joe, you do you (and quietly if you can)


Who wants to say no to dinners & events with family & friends because nothing on the menu fits your strict diet? We’re isolated enough, we don’t need to then make life even more lonely.

Impacts of fad diets on your health


Short term weight loss – they will work for a month or two, until they don’t and you see the weight come back.

Disordered eating – restricting major food groups and labelling foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ can lead to feelings of guilt around food, binge eating, and obsessive calorie counting

Negative impact on metabolism – restricting calories will slow down your metabolism over time, making it harder to maintain weight loss

Isolation – restrictive diets can impact your ability to participate in social activities that revolve around food.

So what can you do?

When trying something new, ask yourself these questions:

  • How do you feel? This is a big one
    • Have your symptoms improved?
    • Is your sleep better or worse?
    • Have you got sustained energy throughout the day?
    • Have you noticed changes positive/negative in your menstrual cycle?
    • What is happening with your digestion? Are you having daily bowel motions (this is what we aim for)
  • Can I sustain this? Is this something I can do for years?
  • Is this going to be too restrictive?
  • Who am I getting the information from?
  • Is the science based off research of male or female participants (hears a tip – it’s almost all on men… so if you’re a woman these diets may actually work against you!)


 I much prefer the approach of adding to your diet, not restricting. How can you get another serve of vegetables onto your plate, can you switch to a wholegrain?

And the biggest thing, trying to keep things simple. Life is busy enough, you don’t need to constantly be worrying about everything you eat.

If you aim for balanced main meals, you will need to snack less. You will have balanced blood sugar levels, so you can say goodbye to that afternoon crash.

You will be eating because you feel like it, not because your body is craving something sugary and needs an instant energy boost. You will be able to eat without guilt.  

Here are a couple of simple nutrition tips to get you started for a sustainable, healthy diet


  • Have breakfast within 30-60mins of waking.
      • This is important for supporting your nervous system and minimising stress response.
      • Sets you up for the day and helps avoid that afternoon slump.
  • Use protein as your start point for each meal.
      • 1.5g protein per kilo of body weight split throughout the day.
      • Start with a serve of protein, add some veggies and healthy fats
  • Protein sources – animal products including dairy, nuts, seeds, wholegrains, legumes, tofu, edamame, hemp seeds – there are so many ways you can incorporate a variety of protein.


Try this for a few weeks and see if you notice any changes.



Slow is sexy

Progress, not perfection

Sustainable changes


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I'm an accredited Nutritionist based in Canberra, Australia.

My purpose is to help women take control of their health, through realistic changes, education, and getting  them living their best life.


Medical disclaimer 

The information found on melanielansdown.com.au or any of its media platforms is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on these platforms are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult with your medical practitioner before making any changes to your current diet and lifestyle.

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I acknowledge the First Nation's people of Country throughout Australia, especially the traditional owners of the land on which I work and teach, the Ngunnawal people. I pay my respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. I am grateful for their continuing leadership in connection to Country for more than 60,000 years. I wish to acknowledge that this is land that has not been ceded and will always be their land. 

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