Melanie in kitchen

Hi! I’m Melanie

Accredited Nutritionist

Like many, nutrition wasn’t my first career choice, however, my previous jobs did lead me here. I’ve been a travel agent for 13 years, I still remember the choice I had all those years ago… accept a high paying, secure public service job or to take a job as a travel agent barely making minimum wage and maybe learn more about the world outside of my Canberra bubble. I’d done a 3 month trip to Europe with a friend a year earlier, and I knew that I wanted to keep travelling. It made sense that working in travel might open up a few more opportunities.

I’ve never taken the easiest or safest route and have zero regrets for making the choice. I’d always had this feeling of not wanting to stay still, that there was something else out there.

So, I took the job and 13 years later, 42 countries visited, 6 months in South America, a stint living in London (like most Aussies do – how unoriginal of me), meeting some of my favourite people, getting to know my UK family, a crazy story or two, here I am, back in Australia a qualified nutritionist wanting to make the world (or my small part of the world) a healthier, happier place.

It wasn’t until I was living in London, that I started looking into nutrition a little closer. Trying to figure out what the best approach was for me (partying every weekend apparently wasn’t working), there was just so much information, people promising amazing results with different diets. That is when I made the decision to move back to Australia to study, I wanted to be educated and make sense of all the diet information out there, and help educate others.

I loved studying, however living in a new city, working full time, and studying full time took its toll on my health and ironically just after I finished my degree I was in the worst health I’d ever been in.  

I was burning the candle at each end & it caught up with me BIG time

I knew things had to change and I knew I could help others 

I was up late at night wired, I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning, I started drinking coffee to keep me going through the mornings, I was reaching for anything sweet to give me an energy boost, I was barely getting through the day. Because I was so exhausted, any form of exercise would wipe me out for days.

Can you relate?

I needed a team. It took time, it took re-evaluating how I did things, slowing down, going back to basics. I came out the other side with more energy, clearer thoughts, balanced energy, and less remarks about how tired I looked HA!

My philosophy on nutrition is eating to enjoy food and keeping it simple. Taking things back to basics and giving yourself time to heal. We often over-complicate things, sometimes we need guidance and a team to help us get back to good health. I’ve been there, got the postcard, let me help you.

I want to help educate you with YOUR health and get you to have more energy to enjoy this one life you have! 

What I Offer


Nutrition consultations

I offer online one on one nutrition consultations. I will guide you through your health journey, help educate, and implement lifelong changes. No gimmicks here, simply good old fashioned, easily digestible nutrition advice.

Corporate workshops

I love speaking to groups about health. Please contact me if you are interested in a corporate workshop. These can be done online or in person (Canberra only). These range from healthy eating, stress resilience, immune health, office friendly meals. I’m more than happy to discuss requirements specific to your company and employees. 

8 week program 

Work with me to nurture your nervous system and take you from stressed out and not coping to feeling fabulous with improved energy.


Coming soon – waitlist here 


1 + 7 =


I'm an accredited Nutritionist based in Canberra, Australia.

My purpose is to help women take control of their health, through realistic changes, education, and getting  them living their best life.


Medical disclaimer 

The information found on or any of its media platforms is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on these platforms are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult with your medical practitioner before making any changes to your current diet and lifestyle.

© 2010 Melanie Lansdown Pty Ltd | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy


I acknowledge the First Nation's people of Country throughout Australia, especially the traditional owners of the land on which I work and teach, the Ngunnawal people. I pay my respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. I am grateful for their continuing leadership in connection to Country for more than 60,000 years. I wish to acknowledge that this is land that has not been ceded and will always be their land. 

Stuck with what to cook? Click here to get a copy of my latest meal plan and grocery list.